Overcoming the Cycle of Overwhelm
Today, we are going to visit the topic of “chronic” overwhelm. It feels like this:
* You wake up feeling like you’re behind.
* You spend all day trying to “catch up” (or thinking about it) as new to-do’s, pressure and guilt build up.
* You go to bed feeling even more behind than you were when you woke up.
*Your life is all about your to-do list.
*You find yourself running around trying to get things done but mentally overwhelmed and paralyzed by the pressure.
Each of these situations is challenging but there is good news! We can break the cycle of overwhelm through stress management, and stress management equals ADHD Management!
We can manage our stress in two big ways!!
1. By slowing down – pausing
2. By making self-care a priority
1. Slowing Down – Pause:
*Try a daily balance of things you need to do & things you want to do. For example: biking. If it was a “need to” activity, it might be to loose weight. If it was a “want to” activity, it would be to bike for joy. A healthy day needs some of both.
*Practice mindfulness meditation or prayer by being aware of the present moment.
*Learn to NOTICE and then step back from stressful situations before you lose it.
*Take time for daily relaxation – every day – to “recharge” (at least 30 minutes).
2. Make self-care a priority:
*Look at your sleep, nutrition and exercise. Even simple physical movement for a short time, helps you get out of your head and into your body. Improve ONE (sleep, nutrition or exercise) & the others will follow with little effort
*Engage in your interests & passions. Do things because you want to, not because you think you should.
Do things that make you happy – just because!
Try a couple of these tools and watch your feelings of overwhelm turn into feelings of self-control and peace.